–USA 1993- ongoing newbern Alabama (population 261)
by Clare Cumberlidge and Lucy Musgrave.
“The rural studio, which works in one of the poorest counties of one of the poorest states of the USA , vividly demonstrates the impact of context based education in a deprived community .It is a pre-eminent model for how an academic institution can work in its hinterland community to produce real change as well as a new model of education.”This image is one of the few rural studios for families, that were built in Alabama with low cost materials to provide decent dwellings.
Source: Design and landscape for people (new approaches to renewal)
New School library
It shows how you can builds real change based on a community knowledge, bringing employement to them and also business and direct wellness.

Snow Culture Project (Japan 1986-ongoing)
“ Snow Culture project in Japan demonstrates vividly how a creative approach to difficult distinctiveness of the town of Yasuzyka to develop not only a new and diverse economy but also a unic knowledge base of technology and culture in which the town can take pride.If the public identify of a town is to be sustainable and credible it must be based on a place’s intrinsic qualities."The town exported 450 truckloads of snow to Tokyo for gifts in 1987.
Source: Design and landscape for people (new approaches to renewal)
New School library
A town that only had ice and snow developed their own comercial business based on snow! they sell something that usually you get for free and people buy it! they came up with a good concept and now they have theri own and unique business with something really simple.

Ivory Park Ecocity (South Africa 1993-ongoing)
Source: Design and landscape for people (new approaches to renewal)
“ Ivory park is a physical demonstration of environmentally and socially sustainable urban development, combining local expertise with international innovation in an incremental way.It takes a holistic approach to eco-development as a vehicle to reduce poverty and increase the community’s capacity to hel itself, and is based on the understanding that poverty is exacerbated by modern solutions that require large-scalse infrastructure and the use of non-renewable resources.As a major initiative involving government agencies, NGOs large design firms and developers, it shows how independent activist projects can partner with institutional organizations to enable large scale realization without losing their ethos and integrity.”
New School library
Cooperative models are required, participants are required for their own management and deelopment.

Designing digital knowledge management tools with aboriginal Australians
by University of Melbourne, Charles Darwin, Djurranakpi and Merri Creek productions
Introciding indigenous knowledge and resource management in northern Australia (IKRMNA)
They matched terchnology with their cultural identity to preserve elder's people knowledge with future generations, they were scared at first of computers, they said technology just makes everything worst.But then they felt a huge diference between the new genweration and the elder one.They felt like all the cultural knowledge was about to get lost, until a group of researchers of the university of Melbourne, harles Darwin, Djurranakpi andMerri Creek productions proposed a program named TAMI that had a friendly interface that allowed text, audio, movies and images to be filed and stored.
Source: DIGITAL CREATIVITY 17-18 2006-2007 vol 18 no.3 pp.129-142
New School library
Introduction of new concepts and technnology to ma community that is not familiar with it.Showing them the posibilities of new technics and opening their eyes to new realities, but never forgeting their cultural life.

Kibbutzim (Israel around 1900-ongoing)
"The kibbutz (Hebrew word for “communal settlement”) is a unique rural community; a society dedicated to mutual aid and social justice; a socioeconomic system based on the principle of joint ownership of property, equality and cooperation of production, consumption and education; the fulfillment of the idea “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs”; a home for those who have chosen it."
Information on Kibbutz:
Agriculture & Fisheries 24
Industry & Quarries 24
Tourism, Commerce & Finance 11
Transportation & Communication 5
Building & Utilities 1
Public & Community Services 18
Personal Services 17
"Children grow up knowing the value and importance of work and that everyone must do their share. From kindergarten, the educational system emphasizes cooperation in daily life and, from the early school grades, youngsters are assigned duties and take decisions with regard to their peer group. Young children perform regular age-appropriate tasks, older children assume certain jobs in the kibbutz and, at high school level, they devote one full day each week to work in a branch of the kibbutz economy."
Source: Jewish virtual library
In a community people work for the same objective, in this social model people enjoy serving others and being helpful, its a matter of education.This is the only social model that actually works, everyone focuses on one product and they all do their best to make it well.They are their own business, and its something so personal and private that they dont accept anyone who is not willing to give 120% of themselves to make it better.The fathers of the families are their own bosses and they all take care of eachother giving all their will to keep it going.
By Keren joshua and Diana Chocron
A company that sells artisan jewelry from Margarita island (Venezuela) in Europe. They created the company and gave it a design twist and a great marketing, that target is for a high and fashionable profile.
In Spain you can buy them at the store or see them through this web page but in Venezuela you can buy them on the beach.
Source: Artizan Artizan
It shows how a good marketing works, how artisan pieces can be sold as expensive hand made jewelry.

KAKAO Maroa (Venezuela-Argentina)
By Cheff Sumito Estevez and María Milagros Mendiry
A wide selection of artisan ingredients of one of the greatest cacaos of the world, which is from the state of Sucre in Venezuela.They filled them up with extravagant ingredients like the ones you can found on indigenous communities on the Amazon (big ass ants pepper).They created a spectacular line where the designs are made from Venezuelans (artists and designers) and they are currently selling them in Catacas, Margarita and Buenos Aires.
Source: Google
It shows how a good marketing and design works, how artisan ingredients with technical knowledge improve quality and target.

1 comment:
You remind me a lot to what I saw in the Buenos Aires tours I've done when I've visited South America. Thanks for sharing =) very nice
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