Denise Flasz

Hello! My name is Denise Flasz, I was born in Caracas, Venezuela but I currently live in NYC. I got my BFA in illustration at the Instituto de Diseño de Caracas,and then I decided to do an MFA in Multimedia design at the Centro de diseño digital. After all this college experience and some freelancing I worked for almost two years in a Visual Communication enterprise named Oruga Films, where I can say that I learned many of the things I now know and also gained a lot of experience in what professional work and team work matters. Since I was in college I new I wanted to grow bigger and achieve many goals in life, and for this I knew that if I wanted to do great I had to attend a great school, so I applied and of course choose Parsons New School of Design. For me it was really hard to pick what I wanted to do in this school, and what kind of major I wanted to get involved into, because many things seemed so valuable and incredible interesting that it was really hard to make up my mind, and that's when I saw the DT program and how wide it was, and started projecting and realizing how much I could achieve from this major and how good it was going to be for me.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Prototypes-TRASHMAN *implementation*

Since the Plaza is a private property, but the sidewalk is a public space, we can settle the installation in the north corner where 50 street crosses. It should be standing right next to the light pole, where crossing people meet, with people that are buying food and with people that are waiting for the light to change, it also stands in a way where it doesn’t bother or hurt anyone. In case the guards are not friendly with this experiment the sculpture should have wheels on the button so the movement of it would be easier, and our experiment saved. We can document different views and sides of the plaza so people from all around can interact.

The wire mesh should have medium size holes, for the little trash to fit in, but this sculpture should also have bigger holes made of normal wire for the bigger containers of trash, the idea is to reduce the big packages so we can have more empty space for many people to interact, so if they still want to participate, we think they’ll figure out a way of doing so by dividing their trash in segments.

The statue should be standing up in a really strong base, made of wood or something that weights more than the statue itself, so we could be sure that it’s always going to be standing up no matter what!.

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