What did you find interesting, And unexpected in this video self-portrait?.
I got really surprised about how my days are a cycle, I wake up and I start doing the same things over and over again, although this is basically on the weekdays it’s almost the same every day. So in this portrait I acted naturally as if it where someone from outside watching me do this routine.
I was really surprised to see that I spent most of my time indoors doing school work and being around technology, this portrait came out pretty natural, It was amazing, I knew exactly what my storyboard was from the beginning to the end and what I had to shoot next.
At the end putting it all together in Final Cut made me realize everything and led me to conclude that I have to go more outside and share more social activities with the people I know because life has to have a balance, ad it’s up to us to distribute our time in an equal way for responsibilities and fun.
A game
15 years ago
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