Denise Flasz

Hello! My name is Denise Flasz, I was born in Caracas, Venezuela but I currently live in NYC. I got my BFA in illustration at the Instituto de Diseño de Caracas,and then I decided to do an MFA in Multimedia design at the Centro de diseño digital. After all this college experience and some freelancing I worked for almost two years in a Visual Communication enterprise named Oruga Films, where I can say that I learned many of the things I now know and also gained a lot of experience in what professional work and team work matters. Since I was in college I new I wanted to grow bigger and achieve many goals in life, and for this I knew that if I wanted to do great I had to attend a great school, so I applied and of course choose Parsons New School of Design. For me it was really hard to pick what I wanted to do in this school, and what kind of major I wanted to get involved into, because many things seemed so valuable and incredible interesting that it was really hard to make up my mind, and that's when I saw the DT program and how wide it was, and started projecting and realizing how much I could achieve from this major and how good it was going to be for me.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What form the assignment where you surprised by when doing it?
For example, did the difficulty/ease of results surprise you , what about your creative process did you find interesting?

24 hr comic

I got really surprised at the end of the day when I scanned my 24 hr drawings and they actually told the story of my day, how they represented my activities and without text they could tell anyone how my day was. I also realized that when you are calmed and relax, for example when I was at Union Square drawing one of my frames, I attracted people and they came closer to me.

Sometimes it was stressful to just stop whatever I was doing to draw a frame, but I guess at the end it was a great exercise.

16 frame movie

At first I couldn’t make up my mind, because I found really difficult to remember 16 important frames in chronological order of a movie I liked, the only ones I could remember pretty well where the Pixar animations, I didn’t want to watch a movie all over again, so I picked one of my favorite ones of Pixar called Finding Nemo.

I am an illustrator so I found it pretty relaxing, I wrote on a blank page the ideas of my 16 frames, and the way I wanted to display them, then I searched for references of the characters and draw the frames. Sometimes like 3 or 4 times, I eliminated one frame for another until I got the result I wanted. Then I asked my roommate of what movie I was talking about and she guessed, maybe for the illustrations it all became easier, but I think the narrative was also very specific.

The most difficult part was drawing Nemo and his father because I didn’t want to confuse people by their fishy similarity.

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